Between The Bookends | Privacy Policy

Between The Bookends | Privacy Policy

Between The Bookends | Privacy Policy 

Hey there, bookworms and bibliophiles! We’re thrilled you’ve landed on our little corner of the internet. In this digital age, that whole “privacy policy” thing can feel a bit stuffy, so we wanted to break it down in a way that’s more fun than deciphering a Dewey Decimal System code.

What Info Gets Collected

The stuff that helps us keep the bookish magic flowing. Think:

— Your Name: So we can address you with a friendly “hello” in the comments.

— Your Email (optional): You can sign up for my newsletter or receive new posts by Email. It’s totally up to you!

— Cookies (the Delicious Kind… Not Really): These tiny bits of data help remember things like your preferences and make your browsing experience smoother. They’re more like those yummy cookies you crave after finishing a good book.

** The great folks at WordPress handle all this collection stuff from my blog. **

What Happens This Info?

I promise it’s nothing nefarious! WordPress uses it to:

— Personalize your experience

 Improve the blog: I want you to have the best bookish content possible. Your info helps us understand what kind of reviews, recommendations, and features you crave.

— Send you new posts by Email (if you let us). This is where newsletters come in, too.

Your information is safe and sound. You won’t be:

Spammed with unwanted emails. (Unless you sign up for the newsletter, of course. Then it’s bookish bliss!)

Basically, I’m all about books.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop me a line. at 

I’m just a book lover who wants to create a fun and informative space for fellow bookworms.

Now, go forth and conquer that TBR pile!